My body is screaming at me, but can I hear what it is saying?

My body is screaming at me, but can I hear what it is saying?

My body is screaming at me, but can I hear what it is saying? Our body is always speaking to us. Sometimes it speaks softly, and we can’t hear the messages clear or loud, unless we are moving slow and intentional. Other-times, the body screams at us. The body is the vessel, our home while we are visiting here on this planet. If we don’t listen to the body, a message may show up as an injury, disease, imbalance, or a life experience. Our body is our instrument, our built in computer. We are hard wired to seek balance. If you are seeking support in learning to listen deeply to the body’s messages, come in for bodywork. Let’s dialogue with your body to see what it needs.

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